how beautiful are the feet

This week I have had the privilege of attending a course with 14 care workers from the rural community of Bushbuckridge. This particular training teaches care workers how to develop an intense level of trust with the child, how to recognize signs of abuse, as well as the importance of allowing a child to tell her story in her own way. This process centers almost entirely on building a relationship with a child and equips care workers with counselling tools. These tools enable them to walk a child through any sufferings or losses she has experienced which in turn helps her start recovering from the emotional wounds she has.
Each day I have been humbled and quieted by the stories told by the care workers. Stories of abuse, rejection, loss and pain. Some, their own stories and some, the stories of the children they care for. I am quieted because I can now see clearly how raw and real their wounds are; I am humbled because I know that everyday each one of these men and woman make the choice to walk the dusty roads of their communities and carry the burdens of hundreds of children on top of their own.
It is these men and woman who demonstrate what it really means to serve...they are the “beautiful feet who bring good news and proclaim peace.” How blessed I feel to learn from them each day; how honored I felt to kneel in front of them and wash their feet. And as I enter the last week of this course, I am both encouraged about the healing that is taking place in the hearts of the care workers and expectant of the healing that will take place in the hearts of the children they care for.
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friday fotos - kruger park

friday fotos

Sorry...2 days late, but here they are. Just a few snapshots of our new home and neighbours
Morgan and Micah
Micah coming to visit
Our cooking area
The beautiful earing holder Tara made me hanging in our bathroom
Tyler eating lunch on our front stoop
The "bedroom" part of our flat

Just over 2 weeks...

We have now been in South Africa for just over 2 weeks and are now feeling settled. We are all moved into our little flat (like a bachelor pad - kitchen, bedroom, living room are all in one small space and although I have only a hot plate to cook on, we are incredibly thankful that we have our own space as well as clean drinking water, a shower and electricity – most of the time). In short, it feels so good to be home in Africa; to be soaking up the heat and peacefulness of it all…God is so good and we feel blessed to be in a place like this; surrounded by people who love us and are as passionate about this work as we are.

Now as you have probably guessed, South Africa will be our home base for a season (kind of a sweet and sour thing for us…for as we look forward to finding our place here, our hearts are busy missing our friends in Zambia). In any case, there is a need here and so we have been asked is to support our South African communities as well as take up some other roles like organizing international teams and supporting Care Worker Trainers. We will also be working with several communities in Swaziland and Zimbabwe which should open up opportunities to travel and get to know those countries as well (exciting!!) You will definitely be hearing more about our experiences in the months to come…

In addition to our updates, it is my goal to post a photo each week on Friday's to help provide even more insight into our lives here (please hold me to this if I have forgotten!! Things get crazy busy here, but I want to make sure I am accountable for this we believe communication with our families, friends and supporters is very important). Hope all is well in Canada…

Lots of love to you all,

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