back home

It's hard to describe how it feels to be back home in Zambia. There really is nothing like this place...we have waited a year to come back to the place where we left our hearts and I would be lying if I said that it isn’t hard to be here.  Hard because I know that in a week I have to again say goodbye again.  I have to say goodbye to people who have impacted my life in such a deep way that I can’t help but call them mother, sister and brother.  Not that they have in anyway taken the place of my family at home (no one could do that), but they instead have become a living extension of that family.
My Bemba mayo, Towela, is a woman with a heart like my own mother and lives a life of incredible sacrifice, humility and love.  My Auntie Sukai and Uncle James too, emulate the way of Christ and have a kind wisdom and strength that I can only pray to have one day.  My sister Trina, her husband Saul and their two beautiful children Tapiwa and Sibongile bring the kind of joy to my soul that leaves me feeling like something is missing when I am not with them.   They all have little but give SO much.  They work harder than anyone I have ever met, yet still barely make ends meet for their families.  They take in abused, neglected and abandoned children who are not their own and they love them and care for them as their own.  Their families grow, but their pocketbooks don’t.  Their lives are extremely difficult yet never once do they complain or ask for anything in return.  How humbled I am by their acts of sacrifice and compassion.
And these are the men and woman of God who I call family…because even though I am undeserving, they have embraced me like their own.

friday fotos - Swazi Snake

When Tyler was visiting Swaziland last week, he and Simon came upon a snake that was over 2 meters long. Luckily it was stuck in a chicken coop and was dead when they found appeared to have experienced an unfortunate death

friday fotos - the cross and the crown

On the morning of Good Friday I read these verses in Luke 1:76-79...they speak for themselves:
"You [John the Baptist] will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for Him [Jesus], to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace."

friday fotos - 30 is a nice number

For my 30th Ty surprised me with an incredible weekend away with close friends. We stayed at a beautiful farmhouse B&B on the top of a mountain about an hour from where we stay in White River. The veiw was could see the entire Lowveld valley from the top. It was such a special birthday...I don't think I stopped smiling for a week!


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