Just thinking

It's the first really rainy day we've had since being in Africa and it's a Sunday so there has been a lot of time to reflect.
Yesterday I went into Masoyi and picked up a few of the kids from the After School Program we taught last year. We haven't had much time to visit them so far so I thought I would bring them back to our place on a Saturday. We went down to the field and played some soccer, it was exciting. Such an easy way to re-connect with the guys. In the middle of the game I can't stop thinking how good it is to be back. They go ape for the pool, so they had a chance to swim in the pool. The water was freezing and the day was cold, but they didn't care. After that I drove them to see the Sprinkbok and Zebra that were on this huge farm just down the road. The grass at the farm had just been cut and the animals were wandering near to the fence. Then back to our place for some PB & J sandwiches and a little James Bond. They loved the action movie. All in all it was an amazing time.
After all this something has not been sitting right with me ever since. I don't know what it is. Originally it was just supposed to be 3 of us and then a couple more kids ended up inviting themselves along. That's fine, I guess I was just hoping to have a time for connecting with a few of them at once. Also I know they were hoping that I would cook, but I was already running around crazy organizing this day for them and didn't really have the time. So I don't know if maybe I just felt a little under appreciated. The day was still amazing, but somehow part of it was a little bitter sweet. I just hope they enjoyed it as much as I did, sometimes they are hard to read.



Anonymous said...

hey ty, something i've learned working with seemingly ungrateful teens is that even when you think they're not appreciative, they really appreciate all the things you do for them. i'm sure it's the same with the kids over there. just keep doing your thing, it's not going unnoticed.


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