"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

There is something lost in my pursuit for material possessions when I'm at home. It's a concept I was born into, in the western world, to want the best of everything. To have a big house and beautiful cars is my main goal and proves I am not a failure. The society I grew up in teaches me to work hard and look after myself. I don't work hard to hand over my money to someone else. I don't have to worry about Steve's problems, because I have my own stuff to think about. Steve will worry about himself and I'll worry about me.

Radical generosity was such a foreign concept to me and why wouldn't it be? Look how we grow up. It goes against everything I have known since I was little to give so much. To invest not just my money, but my time into strangers. I do not claim to be radically generous now, because I have truly seen what that means. I only claim that I have been changed, and although there is still a struggle internally, I feel that something holding me back has snapped and it feels unbinding. To let go of wanting the best house, car or whatever, opens me up to so much. In a previous blog I said that Africa is good for my soul. I've come to recognize that all these possessions that I hold onto are not what should be driving me. The poorest people in Africa have little possessions so other things claim their attention. Like family, friends, togetherness and relationships. Through my time here I have identified a part of my soul that has been missing. Although I may have thought that I was coming to Africa to be a helper, it was me who was also helped.

Learning how to let go and truly give of myself has been amazing. To let my heart be broken by people, who up until I let them, had no baring on my life. I am not preaching at anyone, but only unloading my thoughts onto this blog. Maybe others are going through the same thing, or like me before I came to Africa, never had these thoughts cross their mind. There are always reasons we have to not give, but the real challenge is to recognize when they are excuses.



Reuben said...

Well said! It is so hard for us to be radically generous in our culture, but when you learn how to let go of that, there is a freeing that is indescribable. I think that letting go of your own selfishness and giving to others (whether time or money) is one of the best disciplines you can learn.

Great to hear about how you are growing. Miss you guys and love you!

Anonymous said...

ty, i love your posts, i know i said it before but they are really heartfelt. a couple thoughts, are we really going to say that you had a "beautiful car" while living in the West? ;-) okay, it was beautiful. but seriously, i feel you. material objects are empty. family and community are what matters. you and Lish are doing an incredible thing that not many people can do; your Godson is proud! keep it up man. keep these posts coming, i always look forward to them.


Anonymous said...

That was a really good post Ty. It is incredibly hard not to let things define who you are whether that be your career or material objects. I know I have to continually redefine what success is and not be so concerned with what other people think. I am really proud of you guys. It is nice to be able to journey along with you.


Jenny said...

Her??? The Acura was a her?? Poor thing.

Your post is so right on Tyler! Jesus himself said, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul." (Matthew 16:26) and "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:12)

I can see these two profound truths are working their way into your life and setting you free!!

Keep the posts coming.

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