friday fotos - from a tiny seed

Every time I stand before our garden I am amazed.
That such life could come from a tiny seed really is astonishing to me. Maybe I sound naïve, but if you havenever actually planted your own vegetables you don’t really take the time to fully appreciate all that a farmer does.
That said, I take no credit for the beauty of our little garden. I may have helped weed a couple times, but it really is Tyler’s baby. I can’t help but smile each time I think of how his eyes lit up a month ago when he loaded up the wheel barrow with gardening tools and seedlings. Like a little boy excited for Christmas, he set off down the hill all set to prepare the land he chose for our garden. And since that day, he has faithfully watered, weeded and cared for our baby lettuce, green peppers, squash, sweet potatoes, onions and tomatoes. His dedication and passion for this garden is remarkable and I am overwhelmingly grateful for him.


Jenny said...

Awesome! Our son-in-law is a farmer at heart! :> May the seeds planted in both of your hearts continue to grow and flourish under the Son, tended lovingly by the Holy Spirit and bear much fruit like your beautiful garden.

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