For Her

For Her

The things we often take for granted at home. A roof over our heads, a warm bed to crawl into, a safe haven to escape the struggles of is these simple things that these children don't have and it will only take a small bit from YOU to provide it for them. Just click on the link (For Her) to donate any amount.

Thank you in advance for opening your hearts and your hands to this family.

Pictures From the Eastern Cape

From Movies

It was 3 months of being in Africa before I really picked up my camera to take pictures. I don't know if it was because I took so many last time we were here that I was subconsciously afraid of adding to the mound that is currently sitting in our computer or what, but the minute I felt the weight of a beautiful Canon SLR in my hands, I couldn't put it down (my girlfriend Jayme was so wonderful to generously let me use her camera when she learned I had forgotten mine).

Our time away was the first since we have arrived in South Africa and we had a fabulous trip. Even the loooong drive was beyond our expectations. The hours actually flew by because of great company and even greater conversation, plus the scenery was stunning. I can't describe just how beautiful and diverse South Africa is. Each province has its own uniqueness and I never lost interest in the 17 hours that we drove. Once we had arrived our time of fellowship didn't stop, it only grew to include Busie's family, her family's family and family's family family (if you know what I mean). We had a jam packed two days of singing, cooking, cleaning, chatting and tea drinking (I have never drank so much Marsala tea with full-fat milk in my life...thanks to Jackie, Jayme and I are now addicted!) The trip was certainly a huge highlight for me, well for all of us and it will be a time that I wil never forget.

These pictures document my return behind the lens during our 4 day trip from Nelspruit to the Eastern Cape.


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