Home to Canada

It is always a little surreal right before big life changes.  I think your mind can’t really take in, what is about to happen.  For us it’s not only going back to Canada for a period, it’s also having a baby and then bringing that baby back to Africa.  It feels like a lot to process.  Surprisingly we seem to have a lot of peace about it.
I am excited to be home with friends and family for a significant time.   What is tough is saying goodbye to the people and relationships I have built in Zimbabwe and Swaziland.   I leave knowing that my role here could change completely and it may mean that I don’t see the people in those countries much anymore.  I will miss them a lot.  Definitely Zim people have felt like family to me and when I actually leave it will be hard because of that.

But having these new experiences in front of us is beyond exciting.  What a total game changer, having a child.  It’s so big that it’s hard to even imagine what it will look like.  And looking at coming back with our child is exciting, but again leaves me wondering what life will look like.

I’m filled with questions and excitement.  Really we are expectant for what comes next.  Just wanted to lay down some thoughts as I process…..



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